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Contacts/Instructor Information

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Why is my profile picture distorted?

While Blackboard 8 suggested that profile pictures be 150 pixels x 150 pixels, Blackboard 9.1 actually enforces it. If your profile picture in Instructor Information, now known as Contacts, appears distorted it will likely be necessary to edit the image to the specified size in an image-editing program such as Photoshop, Firefox, Gimp, or Picnik (to name a few).

Content Collection

What is a Content Collection?

Previously in Blackboard, items uploaded for use in a course fell subject to Blackboard’s filing abyss. New to Blackboard 9.1 is the Content Collection that provides instructors with the ability to upload files either through browsing or by drag and drop; organize files and folders; and search for/link to content directly within a file storage area associated with each course.
See Content Collection for more information.

What is a Shared Location or WebDAV?

Blackboard 9.1 allows an Instructor to create a virtual connection to the Content Collection within a course. This virtual connection allows an Instructor to easily transfer files from their desktop/laptop directly into the Content Collection in Blackboard. Opening the virtual connection also allows the Instructor to accomplish tasks, such as editing the Syllabus without needing to re-upload and re-link the file (provided the file is not renamed).
To learn more about creating a Shared Location to your Course Content Collection, go to the Content Collection area within your course and select the Setup Shared Location option. Simply follow the instructions for creating the WebDAV connection. This feature works on both Mac and PC.

How do I drag and drop files into Blackboard?

In order to use the drag and drop feature to move files into Blackboard, it is necessary to set up a Shared Location within the Content Collections area of the course.
See the directions in the “What is a Shared Location or WebDAV?” FAQ for additional information.

Control Panel

Where is the Control Panel?

There is no longer a separate page for the Control Panel in Blackboard 9.1. Functions like Editing the Course Menu or Adding Announcements are now accomplished directly within those areas. A new area on the course homepage called Course Management now houses the remaining Control Panel tools organized by type or functionality. Simply click the Action Link button (chevron sign) next to an area to reveal its contents.

For example: Clicking on Course Tools in the Course Management area reveals all active tools within Blackboard including the Course Photo Roster and Tests, Surveys, and Pools just to name a few.

How do I make my Course Available?

To make a course available, click on Customization in the Course Management area. From the resulting menu options, select Properties. In Option 3 Set Availability, select Make Course Available to Yes. Then click [Submit].

You can also make your course available form your welcome page and after you login to Blackboard. The MY COURSE PLUS module has your courses listed by school terms, EX: 13SP,, 12FA, etc. Next to those course ID's is a tool icon (loks like a hammer and screwdriver. Click that and a new tool bar will appear directly below. Click the first icon in that new toolbar to make your course available or if available then it can make your course unavailable.

Contacts/Instructor Information/Control Panel

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